
Life offers many unplanned experiences. We are often persuaded to find the hidden messages behind these events. Maybe even imagine the blessings they may offer. All our lives we hear these chants cheering us on. They come from our parents, families, communities, teachers, and well almost everyone who has taken it upon themselves to nurture our minds and save our souls.

But do these cryptic codes really exist? Is it our life’s mission to go looking for them? Or are we supposed to just live the best we can? Do we have to justify diseases that kill us and agree when the very corporations that may have caused them tell us to eat more healthy foods, drink cleaner water, and breathe better air?

Are we doomed to a meaningless life if we don’t decipher its secrets? In order to find life’s meaning, we have created a scary, angry, and vengeful god. We have instilled fear into the minds of our children so everything they do becomes agreeable to this very powerful being that we created. We put amazing minds into institutes that churn out robots that can further fulfil the needs of those corporations that poison our food and water, pollute our air and shamelessly offer solutions to these problems.

If we sit silently for a moment and really think about life on this planet, we may begin to realise that the hidden is in fact right before our eyes, in plain sight. All we need to do is really look and be unafraid to ignore all the bullshit that is fed to us every single day.

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